Monday, July 29

Your life as a witness

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them ... and teaching them ... and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Mat 28:19)
Your life is a witness. whether you are proud of it or not - are intentional or not, your living out of gospel reality shows who you are. It shows what you believe about the Person at the heart of the gospel. God's command to go is given to all those who hear his voice - everyone with the smallest "mustard-seed" faith has this task! And because He extends his spiritual leadership and help to us - because he is with us always, our witness can have His power behind it. 

Clearly though, our lives of witness are not always consistent - they are not always reflections of God's spirit. I say to myself, Take heart, seeking saint, obedience grows as it is practiced:
Lk 24:45, And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Ac 1:8, But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Notice how God intentionally imparts greater spiritual insight to what we know; the scriptural clarity we gain strengthens what we have been doing.  Just as at Pentecost, His Spirit infuses our lives with power - and heightens everything we have been doing.

Final thought: as we become more and more intentional about our witness, we see God's presence more clearly.  Into the intensity of our experiences comes divine intervention. The band of disciples at Pentecost were "all with one accord at the same place."  And this was the time when God's spirit showed up as a sound of "violent breath."  It filled the house.  What an awesome experience that must have been.  

And it is still our privilege to experience Him, as we grow in our lives of witness.