Thursday, March 31

Learning to study the Bible effectively is critical!

How do Scriptures lead us into a deeper experience with God?
How does Spirit-guided study reveal what God has for us in our personal circumstances?

- - >  the deeper experience comes from BETTER UNDERSTANDING 
by using basic reading, comprehension and analysis effectively
by becoming familiar with expert methods that work for you

- - > spirit-guided study is DIRECT and UNFILTERED 
because we are able to penetrate into layers of meaning below the surface ones
because we are resonating to meanings the Spirit is guiding us to based on where we are in our present circumstances

Here are four points about effective study:

ONEEffective study happens with the right attitude:  as we recognize that it is a personal interaction with God's Truth
-- as we allow His Spirit to lead us into the Truth

TWOeffective study gets us to a key point , principle, or "reality about God"

THREE:   we know the point is significant, meaningful, life-changing, by studying/ analyzing the Scripture itself
-- we learn to see the surrounding texts, passages, chapters -- structure and context explains itself
-- we learn to see related reference texts in other areas of the Bible --  the entire message is unified
-- we learn to accept Scripture as a collection of historical events, that yet provide universal meaning across time -- meanings are stable and unchanging.

FOUR effective study results in insight 
- -> we can then see the personal relevance of what we study for our specific circumstances 
- -> we become diligent and careful and fulfill its design to build our experience with God and strengthen a life of faithful service to Him.

I saw from this new quarter's first study of how God covers us, how Paul and David's experience with God - and their personal styles - each contributed uniquely to the truth that God covers our sin with his righteousness:

Paul in his Romans discourse borrows from David's language to highlight THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of the forgiven believer.

Paul's immediate concern in his chapter 4 discussion, however, is the BROAD AVAILABILITY TO ALL PEOPLE of a relationship with God - if the person will live a life of faith, belief in Jesus.

I saw how powerful was their testimony for God in their lives - the heart-rending vulnerability and depth of David's relationship with God and Paul's unwavering commitment and passion to share the gospel of a Lord who saved Him.

The lesson's point that we are covered by Jesus' righteousness comes alive in these testimonies from two friends of God.  My study so far applies the exciting principles of effective study that are being shared here 
--> looks at the key passages in their context to gain full understanding of what David and Paul are saying 
--> links Paul's discourse to David's to reinforce the unity of the message about the impact of Jesus' righteousness in our lives, and 
--> seals understanding of the eternal message about the role of Jesus's righteousness to save sinners.

*May God's Spirit Be With You As You Study – And Experience His Guiding You Into His Will*

 RSVP to the owner of this blog to participate with Small Group Study Fellowship in 
our upcoming three "Study Sessions" Starting 16APR 9:45AM and 2:30PM.

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